My Superpower: To create purpose from uncertainty
A Life Wire, Idea Connector, Brander & Visual Communicator

G'day and welcome
My goals have always been to create successful outcomes for my clients with great stories, communications and branding while having fun!
Passion, Professional, Experience
For over 30 years I’ve invested myself into understanding, learning and training in visual communications, design and photography. This ultimately has led me to become highly skilled in the art of Branding to create differentiation. Essentially branding is the foundation of great connection and communication and I use all my skills to help get that message and story across.
As David Brier says “Its about differentiation”…’s my mission to assist anyone wanting to differentiate.
This Zesty Shane website is here for you to connect with me so we can build trust. In this age of personal branding you can better get to know me, my skills, experiences and passions.
All I can say is I love what I do and through the diversity of my experiences, passions and skills have allowed me to adapt to a changing, dynamic business and social landscape through my career. My work and passions have been with a range of organisations from government, not-for-profit, Councils, small business to national corporations.
It’s said “if you love what you do it’s not work”….well I love what I do. I work hard to ensure my efforts make a positive and successful difference. This ensures helps you achieve the best value and I’m enjoy long-term, sustainable and successful relationships.
E N J O Y Cheers, Shane
branding and design
Know where you're going!
“Every journey starts knowing your direction. I work with organisations and individuals to helps define successful goals, plans and outcomes”

Branding & Brand Identity
Building business and personal brands with corporate identity
Storytelling & Design
Telling stories is the foundation of branding
Web Design, Digital & SEO
Website design since 1996 with strength in SEO and rich content
Visual Communications
The use of diverse visual communications for your brand story
Business Initiatives
Design has a profound impact on our daily lives, yet we rarely think about it…. as a brand developer, designer and visual communicator, I see entrepreneurial opportunities that can better improve experiences in our world. Over a period of years I’ve developed my own group of successful businesses, brands, products and experiences that aim to improve the customer outcomes.
These group of businesses below aim to fill a gap in the market, support local communities, businesses and help customers achieve their goals. See more >
30+ years
Brand and visual communications come in all forms – from offline to online. In all those years I’ve created thousands of memorable visual communications and design pieces. Some are now over 20 years strong as effective brands. In 1996 I started developing online, web and digital communication and designs.
Design is perceived as a young person’s industry… however I’d argue you wouldn’t use a young lawyer or builder for top level work…you need the best person with the best experience. If you want to avoid the pitfalls, headaches and create a sustainable plan for your investment, I’m your man!
I’m a successful brander with years of business experience that can help develop your projects goals. Contact me to get started >
Murray River to viva la Paris
Zesty eBook designs
One of my passions is the development of new experience based tourism resources. I’ve designed a range of tourism ebooks under the brand Happee Trails. These digital guides allow visitors to an area, town and region to better discover the unique character, stories and heritage of that place.
Firstly I’ve started in my home town and region of Adelaide, South Australia and the Murray River. This allows me to express a passion of exploring and discovering the small, local stories of our wonderful planet. The books have audio components to them and interactive features. More >
Happee Trails eBook
Zesty Projects that create success

Coorong Country Branding
The Coorong and Meningie region used to be a lost landscape of natural beauty, history and indigenous culture. Developing the Coorong Country brand and supporting the local community has been very rewarding More >

Arura Group Stays Branding
Arura approached me for a rebranding of their accommodation business. Formerly Port Hughes Accommodation Centre we rebranded the name to have more character and many other elements. More >

ARKObots Branding
As a start up ARKObots branding is pitched at the education sector. Fun colours with some stability that shows joy and a modern style. The brand icon allows for diverse application. More >

Mungo Lodge & Tours Branding
Mungo Lodge approached me to rebrand their business. This included full re-design, new byline ‘Unearth Mungo Ancient Story’ and brought everything together to tell their unique story of the outback lodge. More >

Norwood Morialta Pedal Prix Branding
The pedal prix team at Norwood Morialta High School had an opportunity to use pedal prix to promote the school and improve its image on the track. I developed a brand strategy to take implement the branding. More >

Fleurieu Penisula Tourism Maps
Once I’d worked through the current brand needs of the client we started developing different visual identity elements from both offline to online that aimed to continually build the tourism presence in the region. More >

Mannum Museum and Mannum Township
Working with the Mannum Dock Museum of River History and the Mannum community has been very enjoyable. The museum is the heart of tourism in Mannum and is continually working towards improving its presence for visitors. More >

All Seasons Houseboats & Holiday Park Branding
Overseeing the successful brand development for All Seasons Houseboats and Holiday Park in Mildura. More >

Discover Murray River Branding
Development of a diverse range of visual identity elements from both offline to online that aimed to continually build Discover Murray River’s presence in the region. More >

Euston Club Resort Branding
I worked through the club’s brand needs and we started developing different visual identity elements from both offline to online that aimed to continually build the club’s presence in the region and beyond! More >

Visit Wentworth Tourism Branding
This tourism marketing strategy was built on 10 core principles. The brand worked for the Shire, community and industry. A brand that can be used across the entire region and a defined point of difference. More >