Happee Trails

Welcome to Happee Trails

Zesty eBook designs

One of my passions is the development of new experience based tourism resources. I’ve designed a range of tourism ebooks under the brand Happee Trails.  These digital guides allow visitors to an area, town and region to better discover the unique character, stories and heritage of that place.

Firstly I’ve started in my home town and region of Adelaide, South Australia and the Murray River. This allows me to express a passion of exploring and discovering the small, local stories of our wonderful planet. The books have audio components to them and interactive features. Visit Happee Trails >

Happee Trails eBook

epub creativity and flexibility

epubs or ebooks have grown in popularity. The benefit of these books means they should be able to be views on any device. You have the option of App, fixed layout or reflow layout epubs. I prefer fixed layout and can then design for the device in use. My range of Happee Trails epubs are walking guides, some with audio that allows users to enjoy the tour, not require ongoing download of data and self contained with interactive elements.

Zesty Projects that create success