The Zesty Entrepreneur
- Business Development
- Strategic Business
- Public Presenting
- Training
- Brand/Product Development
- Planning
- Photography
- Video
- Visual Communications
- Publishing
- Social Media
- e-marketing
I have considerable experience in digital design and started website design since 1997. This includes e-marketing, executing strategies with websites, email, social media, mobile apps, mobile websites QR codes, video and ebooks to promote tourism businesses and destinations along with traditional media.
Developing my business, skills, experience and knowledge is rewarding
There’s been and will continue to be plenty of hard knocks in my business life…yet if one thing has shone through…I’m resilient and determined!
I’ve had business relationships with some amazing, passionate, generous and caring people. I’ve also had some harsh experiences with very old school, aggressive, nasty and cunning people…I know who I’d prefer doing business with…!
All these encounters bring experiences both good and bad, however it’s those lessons I’m learning from that help me redefine my future business relationships. I try to learn from the painful experiences and people to become better person. I’ve learnt to ask better questions, become much better at avoiding shady characters and also much more prepared for what could happen.
Trust is the fundamental value and cornerstone of all my business relationships. Having trust broken in business teaches you to better question, research, conduct due diligence and ensure strong agreements are in place.
Betrayal in life is disappointing when you’re a trusting person so therefore I treasure more my trusted long-term business relationships who respect each other to find a win-win along with good communication and appreciate each others skills sets. I’m grateful, happy and committed when we’re all working towards a common goal and belief.
- Brand Action (Director, Designer/Brand Manager) – February 2000 to present
- NEOtech Coatings Australia (Director) – March 2020 to present
- Discover Murray River (Managing Director, Tourism & Travel) – 2006 to present
- ARKObots (Business Development) – 2019 to present

...he won’t let you down!
I have known Shane for many years and we recently refreshed our relationship after I recommended him to a business owner. Sometimes, it is risky recommending a friend to another friend in relation to marketing requirements and I would only do that if I'm very confident.
Personally and professionally, Shane hit it off with the friend I introduced, brilliantly well. He is a fantastic listener, critic, coach, sounding board with a tremendous mix of business, creative and management skills. He absolutely delivered on his promises on the project (above and beyond) which involved a major brand, marketing and communications overhaul.
Shane's insight, recommendations and his approach into this re-branding project were thought-provoking, appropriate, valued and valuable. I'd encourage you to chat to Shane about your brand requirements, he won't let you down and is humble indeed
Graham Wakeling,
Entrepreneur & Publisher

...experienced branding specialist
I worked with Shane whilst at Coorong District Council, we engaged him for numerous tourism projects including signage and interpretation, brochure development and branding. I was very impressed with Shane’s effort, advice, and capacity to understand the community/audience needs as well as the Council’s needs. He worked to our deadlines and managed our expectations on deliverable. His services has been beyond what I have experienced before, with exceptional customer service.
A highly professional and experienced branding specialist with in depth knowledge about tourism in Australia – I would recommend Shane anytime.
Anna Del Rio,
Business Development Officer, Department for Trade and Investment, SA

...encouraged me to think big!
Two weeks after my initial face to face session with Shane, looking within and delving into my personal brand I can honestly say I feel empowered, focused and possess a new found drive. Shane challenged and encouraged me to think big. Here I am now with totally achievable goals, and a mindset to boot.
Thanks to consulting with the truly remarkable and inspiring professional in Brand Action that Shane is, with my personal brand pyramid in a place of prominence and etched in my mind, I know what I can do is limitless.
Ailis Cooke,
Project Manager

...delivered an exceptional outcome
hold Shane in the highest regard in all aspects of life. His wisdom and applied knowledge has provided me with countless examples where Shane has shown me an alternate approach to a difficult situation and delivered an exceptional outcome. I would recommend Shane to anyone who requires a measured and positive result from any situation.
Mike Rogers,
Cutler Brands
Brand Pyramid
Below is my personal brand pyramid. This is who I am and what I stand for. I enjoy collaborating with people who have similar values or levels of integrity.
Business Lessons I’ve Learnt
- Have trust in those you believe in
- Communicate any challenges and problems early
- Give everyone a first chance
- Enjoy the wins…learn from the losses
- Love your life
- Set your goals and check in with them
- Competitor and customer expectations are the starting line of business
- Aim to be a positive role model
- Letting go is hard, but worth it
- Spend time with your family and friends
- When you get home, park your issues at the door
- Believe in yourself – be the bigger person
- Have mentors and people you can confide in
- Believe in what you’re striving for
- Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
- Protect your reputation and personal brand like its gold
- Everyone has an opinion but very few take the actual risk
- Not everyone is playing by the same rules and values
- Other people’s choices, decisions and opinions are their own
- People can be blinded by the truth
- Maintain your integrity
- Be smart and protect yourself
- Don’t write anything down on social media you wouldn’t say directly
- Some people will just use you up and move on
- Manage your emotions
- Manage your cashflow
- Create a long term plan
- Have a good team around you and listen to them
- Give 100% but don’t expect it in return
- Some people lack integrity and morality…that’s life…doesn’t mean you need to do the same!
Zesty Projects that create success

Coorong Country Branding
The Coorong and Meningie region used to be a lost landscape of natural beauty, history and indigenous culture. Developing the Coorong Country brand and supporting the local community has been very rewarding More >

Arura Group Stays Branding
Arura approached me for a rebranding of their accommodation business. Formerly Port Hughes Accommodation Centre we rebranded the name to have more character and many other elements. More >

ARKObots Branding
As a start up ARKObots branding is pitched at the education sector. Fun colours with some stability that shows joy and a modern style. The brand icon allows for diverse application. More >

Mungo Lodge & Tours Branding
Mungo Lodge approached me to rebrand their business. This included full re-design, new byline ‘Unearth Mungo Ancient Story’ and brought everything together to tell their unique story of the outback lodge. More >

Norwood Morialta Pedal Prix Branding
The pedal prix team at Norwood Morialta High School had an opportunity to use pedal prix to promote the school and improve its image on the track. I developed a brand strategy to take implement the branding. More >

Fleurieu Penisula Tourism Maps
Once I’d worked through the current brand needs of the client we started developing different visual identity elements from both offline to online that aimed to continually build the tourism presence in the region. More >

Mannum Museum and Mannum Township
Working with the Mannum Dock Museum of River History and the Mannum community has been very enjoyable. The museum is the heart of tourism in Mannum and is continually working towards improving its presence for visitors. More >

All Seasons Houseboats & Holiday Park Branding
Overseeing the successful brand development for All Seasons Houseboats and Holiday Park in Mildura. More >

Discover Murray River Branding
Development of a diverse range of visual identity elements from both offline to online that aimed to continually build Discover Murray River’s presence in the region. More >

Euston Club Resort Branding
I worked through the club’s brand needs and we started developing different visual identity elements from both offline to online that aimed to continually build the club’s presence in the region and beyond! More >

Visit Wentworth Tourism Branding
This tourism marketing strategy was built on 10 core principles. The brand worked for the Shire, community and industry. A brand that can be used across the entire region and a defined point of difference. More >